jonna vance

I'm an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Northern Arizona University. I received my PhD from Cornell University in 2013. In spring 2018, I was an invited professor at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.
My research focuses mainly on perception and emotion. I often discuss and aim to clarify the philosophical significance of probabilistic models of mental processes.
I'm also Director of Philosophy in the Public Interest, a program at NAU that creates forums for philosophers to engage in discussion with wider communities on topics of mutual concern.
email: vancejonna [at] gmail <dot> com
office: Babbitt Academic Annex Rm 310
Philosophy Department
Northern Arizona University
Box 6011 Flagstaff, AZ 86011
some recent and upcoming talks
Uncertain experiences.
University of Barcelona. June 2022
Attentional moral perception (with Preston Werner)
Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. April 2022.
Attentional moral perception and sensibility theory (with Preston Werner)
University of Haifa. March 2021
Salience in moral perception
Harvard University. May 2020.
Moral knowledge by abstraction
University of Montreal. March 2020.
Foundationalism and deep learning
University of Pennsylvania. November 2019.
Vague perception
Cambridge University. August 2019
York University (Toronto). June 2019
Hierarchical evaluative perception
Hebrew University (Jerusalem). June 2019
Comments on Benjamin Henke's 'The epistemic import of arational influences on perception'
American Philosophical Association. Pacific Division Meeting. April 2019.
Predictive processing: Overview and challenges.
University of Geneva. June 2018.
Implicit phenomenal commitments.
University of Geneva. May 2018
Precision and perceptual uncertainty.
Ruhr-University Bochum. May 2018
Perceptual uncertainty and precision.
University of Geneva. March 2018
Bayes intentionalism and perceptual uncertainty.
University of Antwerp. February 2018
Perceptual uncertainty.
University of Arizona. October 2017
Action prevents error: Predictive processing without active inference.
Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich). August 2017
Phenomenal commitments: A puzzle for experiential theories of emotion.
University of Geneva. June 2017
Bled Philosophical Conference. June 2017
Perceptual confidence and precision estimates.
UC Berkeley. March 2017